Suprathermal proton events using the WAP Non-SSD side of STA. This file covers events from 2014-01-02/00:00:00 to 2015-01-03/00:00:00. Events are triggered if the number of counts accumulated over 10 min in an energy band (59.0-42.2, 19.7-14.1, and 5.95-4.26keV) exceeds a background times a scaling factor. In the columns titled "Overlap SIR" and "Overlap +/- 1 Day of SIR" the number indicates how many SIR or +/- 1 Day of an SIR time period the event overlaps. "N/A" indicates the event is outside the SIR lists range, 2007-02-25/00:00:00:00 to 2018-08-01/00:00:00:00. The list of SIR time periods, defined by the UCLA/IMPACT group, used in this automation was last updated on 2019-04-09/12:20:00:00. The format of columns titled "Overlap ICME", "Overlap +/- 1 Day of ICME", "Overlap +/- 1 Hour of Shock", "Overlap +/- 1 Day of Shock", "Overlap SEP" and "Overlap +/- 1 Day of SEP" are identical to the format of columns "Overlap SIR" and "Overlap +/- 1 Day of SIR". The range of the ICME, Shock, and SEP lists are 2006-12-14/00:00:00:00 to 2018-08-01/00:00:00:00, 2007-01-01/00:00:00:00 to 2018-08-01/00:00:00:00, and 2006-12-06/00:00:00:00 to 2019-02-01/00:00:00:00, respectively. The list of ICME, Shock, and SEP time periods, defined by the UCLA/IMPACT group with Lan Jian lists for these respectively, used in this automation were last updated on 2019-04-09/04:30:00:00, 2019-04-09/15:30:00:00, and 2019-02-14/11:30:00:00, respectively. The last three columns ("Hi Bin Triggered", "Med Bin Triggered", and "Low Bin Triggered") indicate how many times respective energy bins 59.0-42.2, 19.7-14.1, and 5.95-4.26keV are triggered during an event. Time format is YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS. See the README for a more detailed description of this list. Event Number Start Date/Time Stop Date/Time Duration (min) Event Averaged SW @ STA (km/s) Event STDEV of SW @ STA (km/s) STA-Earth Separation (Re ) Event Averaged Linear Miss (Re) Event STDEV Linear Miss (Re) Overlap SIR Overlap +/- 1 Day of SIR Overlap ICME Overlap +/- 1 Day of ICME Overlap Shock Overlap +/- 1 Day of Shock Overlap SEP Overlap +/- 1 Day of SEP Hi Bin Triggered Med Bin Triggered Low Bin Triggered 1 2014-07-12/09:20:40 2014-07-12/14:50:40 330 346 9.7 45996 27826 13655.4 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 28 8